Get to know us
Our Owner
After several years of working as a research interviewer CTS founder and owner, Princess Jennings was given the opportunity to continue her services through a contract position. Simultaneously, she was introduced to the idea of beginning a data collection business as her new role would allow her the freedom to work with different businesses and organizations. Thus, Community Tracking Services was born. Thanks to the relationship and positive reputation that Princess built with her former employer she had the privilege of beginning her business with a full clientele. Ten years later CTS has not only maintained but expanded that clientele.

Our Vision
The data collection process is a time-consuming and tedious job. The reality is that most grant recipients do not have the capacity to truly invest the time and energy it takes to achieve the often required 80% or higher participant tracking rate. At Community Tracking Services we relieve the stress of this requirement by providing a team of dedicated research interviewers whose only focus is collecting the most accurate information. Our team is local, mobile, and in the community.
The CTS “feet in the street” approach helps us to stay on top of the various changes that participants may encounter while tracking. Whether they are experiencing a move or a period of homelessness our team maintains an active line of communication.
While we specialize in substance abuse tracking and are proud to work with organizations such as the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT), Community Tracking Services is happy to sublet any data collection an organization or business might need.
The Data Bounty Hunter
At CTS we consider ourselves Data Bounty Hunters because we pursue the data collection process with the same diligence and commitement as traditional bounty hunters pursuing fugitives.